Beyond Fintech: Qrescendo, a next generation Investment Bank

Enabling Scalable Growth in Financial Services

The shift towards modern financial services platforms represents a paradigm shift in the financial industry. These platforms enable scalable growth by minimising the incremental costs associated with expanding customer features and product enhancements in traditional systems. From transactional ledger and wallet systems to payment capabilities and advanced credit scoring models, modern platforms offer versatile, highly efficient bespoke solutions to meet the rapidly evolving and diverse needs of customers.

Additionally, the evolving investment banking needs of entrepreneurs, businesses and corporations need to be met through innovative channels for raising finance and capital, including private capital and bond issuance, as well as blockchain-based equity offerings. Furthermore, the integration of blockchain, not only in financial services but also supply chain management and product, confirms the needs of these platforms to transact and provide a comprehensive and integrated view that is critical for modern businesses.

Qrescendo is such a next generation investment bank. The identification of the shortcomings and resultant opportunities has culminated in the creation of a financial services platform that embraces these new technologies whilst unlocking new opportunities for innovation, customer engagement and sustainable growth in an increasingly digital world.

Reducing Incremental Costs through Platform Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, creating robust financial services platforms has become essential to enable scalable growth. Unlike traditional financial systems, where each new customer feature or product enhancement demands significant time and resources, modern platforms can grow seamlessly, offering innovative solutions without the proportional increase in costs. Here we highlight the transformative value of these platforms, ranging from transactional ledger and wallet systems to payment capabilities and advanced credit scoring models, while also addressing the changing needs of entrepreneurs, businesses, and corporations from an investment banking perspective, particularly with respect to raising capital.

In conventional financial services, scaling is a formidable challenge. Each new feature or enhancement involves substantial investments in infrastructure, technology, and human resources. This model not only limits the speed of innovation but also imposes significant incremental costs. For instance, adding a new payment option or a loyalty programme could necessitate months of development, testing, and deployment, straining both financial and operational capacities. This is where Fintechs have often beaten incumbents in speed to market and building products to address customer requirements.

Modern financial platforms are designed with scalability at their core. Built on cloud-based infrastructures and leveraging modular architectures, these platforms can introduce new features and enhancements swiftly and efficiently. They also re-use components that have gone through rigorous compliance and integrity testing. Integrating a new payment method or launching a new financial product can often be achieved with minimal adjustment, significantly reducing the time-to-market and the associated costs, allowing financial institutions to innovate continuously without hefty financial burdens. However, given decades of legacy and massive backlog lists, most traditional banks still struggle to deploy and realise the benefits of these platforms.

At the core of most financial platforms are the transactional ledger and, in many cases, a wallet system. These systems manage the core financial transactions and holdings of users, ensuring accuracy, security, and real-time processing. Increasingly, the use of distributed ledger technologies has proven that such platforms can offer unparalleled flexibility, transparency, and security not common in traditional systems.

A comprehensive payment capability is crucial for modern financial platforms. These systems must support a wide range of payment methods, including traditional card payments, bank transfers and emerging digital currencies. Advanced payment gateways integrated into these platforms can process transactions at scale, offering high reliability and speed without the incremental costs associated with traditional payment processing systems.

Traditional credit scoring models rely heavily on standard metrics such as credit history, income and debt levels. However, these models often fail to capture the unique circumstances and behaviours of niche customer segments. Modern platforms leverage big data analytics and machine learning to develop advanced credit scoring models that incorporate non-traditional metrics. For instance, an entrepreneur building a new business may be assessed based on their business’s performance data, social media presence and transaction histories rather than just personal credit scores. This holistic approach enables financial institutions to serve a broader range of customers more effectively.

Tailored Financial Services for Diverse Customer Needs

For entrepreneurs and startups, traditional financial products often fall short. These businesses require flexible financing solutions that can adapt to their dynamic growth trajectories. Modern financial platforms can offer tailored credit products, real-time cash flow management tools and personalised advisory services. By analysing detailed business performance metrics, based on payment data as an example, and market conditions, these platforms can provide solution that align with the needs and potential of an entrepreneur.

On the other hand, established corporations with professional management teams require solutions to support expansion and operational efficiency. Modern platforms can deliver sophisticated treasury management, supply chain financing and risk management services.

Evolving Investment Banking Needs

The capabilities required by entrepreneurs, businesses and corporations from an investment banking perspective have evolved significantly. Conventional financial services products, offered through product silos, are increasingly being replaced by more versatile and integrated solutions. This shift is driven by the need for more diverse and efficient channels for raising finance and capital.

Modern financial platforms support a variety of financing mechanisms, including private capital, bond issuance and equity offerings on non-traditional exchanges. Regulated blockchain exchanges, for instance, enable the transaction of tokens, providing innovative ways for businesses to raise capital. This approach not only broadens the investor base but provides transparency, enhances liquidity and market accessibility.

Private capital remains a crucial funding source for many businesses, particularly startups and growing enterprises. Modern platforms facilitate seamless connections between businesses and private investors, offering tailored investment opportunities that match specific business needs. Additionally, bond issuance has become more streamlined, allowing businesses to access debt financing efficiently and at competitive rates.

The advent of regulated blockchain exchanges has introduced a new paradigm in equity financing. These exchanges allow businesses to float equity in the form of tokens, democratising access to capital markets and providing liquidity to a wider range of investors. This innovative financing model enhances transparency, reduces costs, and expedites the capital-raising process.

Capital Raising Evolution: Blockchain in Supply Chain and Financial Services Management

Blockchain technology is revolutionising complex supply chains across various industries, including retail logistics, construction, and manufacturing. By using blockchain, companies can verify the authenticity of products, track the movement of goods, and even execute payments based on predefined conditions through smart contracts. This capability adds an additional layer of financial services management, which traditional banking relationships do not typically provide.

Smart contracts enable automated execution of agreements when certain conditions are met. This functionality is particularly beneficial in supply chains, where payment can be triggered automatically once goods reach a specified location or pass quality inspections. This reduces the need for manual intervention and ensures timely, accurate transactions.

The integration of these blockchain capabilities into financial services platforms is critical. Tokens, which can represent simple contracts, proof of authenticity, or even currency, need to be managed within a cohesive framework. Financial platforms must aggregate these diverse functionalities to provide a comprehensive view, ensuring that all financial activities, from capital raising to supply chain management, are seamlessly integrated.

The Next Level of Investment Banking – Qrescendo

The next generation of investment banks needs to offer a suite of services that incorporates and aggregates these new channels. This includes not only traditional financial products but also advanced solutions that integrate blockchain-based supply chain management and smart contract execution.

As the financial ecosystem evolves, investment banks have to adapt to meet the changing needs of their clients. This means embracing new technologies and creating integrated platforms that can manage everything from capital raising and payments to supply chain verification and automated contract execution. This is critical for investment banks to support the dynamic requirements of modern businesses.


Perffin Group N.V.

At Perffin we believe that it’s time to remove the barriers of investing and banking by creating a resilient platform that offers accessibility and affordability for everyone.