Investment management that looks further than public markets.

PERFFIN stands for PERFormance in FINance. We work on helping the financial industry to be more accessible and better serve its customers but also to generate performance in terms of capital growth for investors.

What we do

We enable institutional investors such as banks, insurance, public, private and
endowment funds as well as retail investors to access fintech asset class.

  • Via Perffin Shares, we offer exposure to unlisted companies in fintech verticals.
  • Via Perffin funds, we offer fixed income in investment grades, alternative revenue
    based financing and multi-assets.
  • Via specialised secondary market partners, we assist with early liquidity
Our four pillars:
  • Securitization
  • Diversification
  • Performance
  • Liquidity
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Identity & Strategic Purpose

Perffin is a partner of fintech companies looking for growth capital. We invest in long-term equity positions in promising companies that are powered by passionate teams, with disruptive business models, views or technologies. We aim at helping entrepreneurs transform the financial services sector by supporting them to reach their next phase of development.

Perffin is set up around a founding and core executive team in charge of its operations. As part of its core business, Perffin aggregates investment research and execution, internal and external investment relationships. Its governance is organised according to best-standard practises in the industry following the recommendation of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of 2022 and applicable to listed and non-listed companies to offer transparency regarding its activities. The company is managed by an Executive Committee supervised by a Supervisory Board. The executive team and its Investment Committee is also supported by external advisors.

Our mission is to increase efficiency in the financial services sector by increasing its effectiveness as well as reducing friction to end-users. We aim at supporting innovative solutions and proofs-of-concepts to accelerate their adoption, expand to new markets, develop their product range or pivot their business model. In addition to increasing financial fire-power of our portfolio’s companies, we provide board level advisory regards to business and go-to-market strategies as well as corporate development.

Perffin is a friendly investor with the goal to help companies reach and maximize their full potential whilst generating capital returns for its stakeholders.

Perffin’s DNA is made of strong entrepreneurship values, rigorous financial competencies and an innovative mindset, which drives its operational team and founders. Perffin believes in solutions not problems and initiates innovation as well as research at the core of its daily routine. With a European-based head-office and a multicultural approach, we look at the world in terms of opportunities thanks to our international network.

Our appetite for change, transformation, improvement and resilience, as well as the diversity offered by the team: we believe that achieving projects’ potential goes through humans.

Core competencies come from the portfolio of experiences collected by Perffin partners in terms of business and investment management. We technically offer competencies in organic or external corporate development. These include finance, operation, integration and innovation management related to product design or strategy.

Anticipating the future

We believe in simplifying processes through the introduction of technology
along the value and supply chain in financial services. Looking at products
and services, we believe that traditional players will face increasing pressure
from new entrants looking at unbundling verticals while tech-incumbents will
look at growth opportunities by aggregating more and more services. The rise
of the financial services market as a conceptual standard will require
monoliners to shift their business models or reinvent their solutions to adapt to
more competitive ecosystems. We continue to believe that exceptional client service will fuel adoption, enhance competitive advantage and be a source of the increased perceived value.

Perffin is involved in alternative investments on the private equity market. Focusing on growth capital, we offer investors an access to a non-typical asset class: unlisted fintech companies.

Perffin is working on a direct listing on the German Stock Exchange in order to
offer increased transparency and facilitate fundraising and investment

About us Blue invest